Terms & Conditions

 House Builder XL Limited Terms & Conditions for use of www.hbxl.co.uk web site and software.

1. General Disclaimer

1.1. House Builder XL Limited do not represent or warrant the accuracy or reliability of any of the content or information contained, downloaded linked or accessed through this site.
1.2. Any reliance which you place upon any information contained on this web site or on any web site to which this web is linked will be at your sole risk. It is solely your responsibility to ensure that any product or service about which information is published on this or via this website meets your particular requirements.
1.3. House Builder XL Limited operate a policy of continuous improvement and accordingly reserves the sole and exclusive right in its absolute discretion to make any amendment improvement alteration or discontinuance of any or all of the information or content of this web site without notice.
1.4. The information and content of this web site are provided by House Builder XL Limited on an “as is” basis and House Builder XL Limited disclaims any and all warranties express or implied to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law including without limitation warranties of satisfactory quality merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose in respect of any of the service or product information about which is contained on this web site.
1.5. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law (excepting in respect of death or personal injury arising from House Builder XL Limited’s negligence) House Builder XL Limited excludes liability for any claims, losses, demands or damages of any kind whatsoever with respect to the content of this website and the materials products and services referred to in this web site, and the availability or functionality of the web site, including without limitation direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage howsoever arising and whether in statute, contract or tort.
1.6. House Builder XL Limited reserve the right to make changes to the site and the attached terms and conditions of its use at any time.

2. Copyright

2.1. All the content provided on this site is the exclusive property of House Builder XL Limited (HBXL) or its suppliers and protected by UK and International Copyright law as is the software used in the real time publication and operation of this web site. Any use except for the purposes of accessing and using the services of this web site and purchasing products and services via this web site is strictly prohibited.

2.2. The web site or any portion of the web site may not be reproduced, duplicated copied or sold, resold or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose save with the prior written consent of House Builder XL Limited, and/or its suppliers (as the case may be).

3. Applicable Law

3.1. The site is owned and controlled by House Builder XL Limited in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. As such the laws of England will govern the terms and conditions and exclusions of warranty without giving effect to any principle of conflict of law and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

4. Privacy and Personal Data

4.1. As a consequence of users registration on the web site, House Builder XL Limited will collect and hold personal data relating to users of the site. We are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. We undertake to maintain your privacy within the framework of the law. We will not pass on your personal data to any third party, other than the merchants and suppliers with whom House Builder XL Limited are connected as a result of the operation of the site and services, without your permission to do so.

4.2. If we have your permission, we will from time to time use personal data to keep you informed of our latest products and services and those of the merchants and suppliers with whom House Builder XL Limited is connected as a result of the operation of this web site, together with those of third parties.

4.3. Our guiding principle is that your personal data is only held to allow us to support and improve your relationship with and use of the House Builder XL Limited web site and services. If you have any concerns in this regard pleas email us sales@hbxl.co.uk and we will investigate such concerns and take such necessary action as we in our sole discretion deem appropriate.

4.4. Notwithstanding the above, the personal data captured as a result of user registration and use of the web site, will be considered as part of the assets of House Builder XL Limited and may be traded as such in the event that House Builder XL Limited is acquired or otherwise disposes of all or some of its assets and business, howsoever arising.

5. Hypertext Links

5.1. Before providing a link to our site you must seek our permission. To do this please email us at sales@hbxl.co.uk with the details of the URL to which you wish to link, and the URL of the page on which you will be displaying the hyperlink. We do not permit the displaying of our web pages in any html frame unless we have expressly authorised the same in writing.

6. General

6.1. To contact House Builder XL Limited , email us at sales@hbxl.co.uk or by post at: Future Space, North Gate (UWE), Filton Road, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8RB

6.2. These terms and conditions shall govern the relationship between House Builder XL Limited and the customer to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions.

6.3. No variation to these terms and conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing by an authorised representative of House Builder XL Limited.

6.4. House Builder XL Limited’s employees or agents are not authorised to make any representations concerning the goods or services of the builders merchants and suppliers whose building materials are available through the web site and in entering into any contract with a merchant or supplier the customer acknowledges that it does not rely on any such representations unless specifically confirmed in writing by an authorised representative of House Builder XL Limited.

6.5. Any advice or recommendation given by House Builder XL Limited its employees or agents to a customer or its employees or agents which is not confirmed in writing by an authorised representative of House Builder XL Limited is followed or acted upon entirely upon the customer’s own risk, and accordingly House Builder XL Limited shall not be liable for any such advice or recommendation which is not so confirmed.

6.6. Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in any sales literature, quotation, price list, acceptance of offer, web page, invoice or other document or information issued by House Builder XL Limited shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of House Builder XL Limited.

6.7. House Builder XL Limited may perform any of its obligations or exercise any of its rights under these terms and conditions either by itself or through any other member of its group from time to time, provided that any act or omission of any such other member shall be deemed to be the act or omission of House Builder XL Limited.

6.8. Any notice required or permitted to be given by either party to the other under these terms and conditions shall be in writing addressed to that other party at its registered office or principal place of business or such other address as may at the relevant time have been notified to the party giving the notice.

6.9. No waiver by House Builder XL Limited of any breach of these terms and conditions by a customer shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.

6.10.If any provision of these terms and conditions is held by a competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part then the validity of the other provisions of these terms and conditions and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected.

7. House Builder XL (HBXL) Software

7.1. Use of the House Builder XL Limited client software (EstimatorXpress®,  PlansXpress®, Health & Safety Xpert® or ProjectXpert® or ContractsXpert® , is available subject to the terms and conditions of the software licence, supplied with software.

8. Agency Arrangements

8.1. With regard to the purchase, supply and delivery of building products and materials through the web site House Builder XL Limited act solely as the agent for the builders merchants and suppliers whose materials are published on the web site, and have no authority to negotiate or agree terms or enter into any individual contract for the supply and delivery of building materials and products for the said builders merchants and suppliers.

8.2. It remains the sole responsibility of any user of the web site to establish and verify the terms and conditions under which they contract to purchase and pay for building materials, from any particular supplier. House Builder XL Limited play no part in the establishing of such contractual relationships nor do they make any recommendations or representations to either/any of the parties involved.

9. Prices

9.1. All prices for goods and services displayed on the web site are for quotation purposes only, and subject to confirmation at the time of order. The customer acknowledges that all prices published on the web site constitute an invitation to trade and may not be construed by the customer as any offer by or binding obligation upon House Builder XL Limited or the merchants and suppliers accessed through the web site, to provide goods or services to the customer.

10. Orders

10.1. All orders placed through the web site are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective merchant or supplier with whom orders are placed. Such terms and conditions can be inspected and printed at the time of account application with the respective merchant or supplier through the House Builder XL Limited web site.

11. Payment Terms

11.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment of the price for orders placed and confirmed with merchants and suppliers accessed through the site, are due in strict accordance with the credit account terms and conditions established with the respective merchants and suppliers.

Privacy & Cookies

The purpose of this statement is to provide information regarding how and why HBXL Building Software collect, process and store data, as well as providing the appropriate contact information should you wish to request the information we hold about you, withdraw from processing or request deletion of any data we hold about you.

Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) there are six lawful basis for processing personal data.  These are detailed as follows:

·         Consent – the individual has given clear consent for you to process their personal data for a specific purpose

·         Contract – the processing is necessary for a contract you have with the individual, or because they have asked you to take specific steps before entering into a contract

·         Legal Obligation – the processing is necessary for you to comply with the law (not including contractual obligations)

·         Vital Interests – the processing is necessary to protect someone’s life

·         Public Task – the processing is necessary for you to perform a task in the public interest or for your official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law

·         Legitimate Interests – the processing is necessary for your legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party unless there is a good reason to protect the individual’s personal data which overrides those legitimate interests. (This cannot apply if you are a public authority processing data to perform your official tasks.)

Further information regarding the lawful basis for processing personal data can be found at ico.org.uk

HBXL Building Software Marketing and Sales Data

As an organisation that processes business related data, HBXL Building Software has assessed all six grounds for lawful processing of personal data and has selected ‘Legitimate Interests’ as the most suitable lawful ground for the processing of data for the purposes of HBXL Building Software marketing and sales

HBXL Building Software collects, processes and stores data relating to businesses and decision makers.  We believe that the individuals that we process the data of, are likely to have an interest in the HBXL Building Software product.  Deemed as ‘Legitimate Interest’ this is based upon specific criteria including the business industry sector, size of organisation as well as the individual’s job function within the organisation.  Our typical segmentation includes those within marketing, sales, business development, MD and owner related job functions, although this list is not exhaustive and other variables may apply.

We will only ever collect, process and store the essential information required for making contact with the data subjects within a business environment.  The personal data we collect is limited to first name, last name, mobile and/or telephone number & email address.  Other business related data may also be processed including business name, job function, turnover and business address, however we will never collect further personal data such as those classed under ‘Sensitive Personal Data’.

The data collected will be used to communicate marketing and sales messages relating to the HBXL Building Software product, based upon the job function held by the data subject.  HBXL Building Software specifically only sends messages to those we believe are likely to be interested in the HBXL Building Software product based upon the organisation they are employed by and based upon their job function within that organisation.  Messages from HBXL Building Software could be delivered via email, social media, via telephone or any other business to business (B2B) marketing methods that may be relevant.

When you send HBXL Building Software an enquiry or booking form via our website or one of our micro sites you will be asked to provide your contact details. We will use the data you provide to process your request and may use it to inform you by email, telephone or mail about other HBXL Building Software products and services that we feel may be of interest to you, it is deemed that as you have visited the HBXL Building Software website and provided us with your contact information that you are legitimately interested in our products and services.  You have the right to object from any method of correspondence at any time, using the unsubscribe button on an email, by informing the telephone operator or by contacting us via any of the methods below.

How we Procure Data

At HBXL Building Software we procure data in a variety of ways, collected in line with the lawful basis of ‘Legitimate Interests’.  If you have received correspondence from us, we will have procured your data in one of the following ways:

·         You have requested information from HBXL Building Software on a previous occasion

·         Someone has sent us your e-mail address requesting information about our articles and/or services be sent to you

·         You or someone else has expressly shared your contact details with us for the purpose of receiving information now and/or in the future

·         We have previously met at an event and your business card or contact details were handed to us willingly

·         You or a business colleague has visited our website and we believe that there is a genuine legitimate interest in our services

·         You have previously connected with a member of our team via the LinkedIN and discussed our services

·         A member of our team has found your business and your contact details online, believing that your business would genuinely be interested in the HBXL Building Software product, based upon your job function aligning with our typical customer profiles they have made contact to introduce you to our product

·         Your data has been purchased by a registered third party data supplier, which will have been segmented by industry, organisation size and job function based upon our typical customer profiles. (Due diligence checks around GDPR compliance will have been conducted accordingly)

Legitimate Interest Assessment (LIA)

HBXL Building Software has carried out a Legitimate Interest Assessment (LIA) as advised by the ICO.  Based upon that assessment it is deemed that the rights and freedoms of the data subjects would not be overridden in our correspondence regarding HBXL Building Software and that in no way would a data subject be caused harm by our correspondence. Based upon our segmentation by organisation and by specific job function, coupled with our processing of personal data within the context of a business environment, we believe that any individual that receives correspondence from HBXL Building Software in a direct marketing or sales capacity, could be legitimately interested in the HBXL Building Software solution.  It is also deemed that direct marketing and sales is necessary in the context of promoting HBXL Building Software to professionals in business in order to increase awareness of our SaaS solution in the marketplace.


Per the ICO guidance, HBXL Building Software can confirm:


·         We have checked that legitimate interests is the most appropriate basis

·         We understand our responsibility to protect the individual’s interests

·         We have conducted a legitimate interests assessment (LIA) and kept a record of it, to ensure that we can justify our decision

·         We have identified the relevant legitimate interests

·         We have checked that the processing is necessary and there is no less intrusive way to achieve the same result

·         We have done a balancing test, and are confident that the individual’s interests do not override those legitimate interests

·         We only use individuals’ data in ways they would reasonably expect

·         We are not using people’s data in ways they would find intrusive or which could cause them harm

·         We do not process the data of children

·         We have considered safeguards to reduce the impact where possible

·         We will always ensure there is an opt-out / ability to object

·         Our LIA did not identify a significant privacy impact, and therefore we do not require a DPIA

·         We keep our LIA under review every six months, and will repeat it if circumstances change

·         We include information about our legitimate interests in our privacy notice

HBXL Building Software has an in-house data verification team, who are responsible for ensuring the validity and quality of the data contained within the HBXL Building Software CRM system.The team continually cleanse the data held within the CRM system, completing a full cleanse cycle at least once every 12 months. 

Data Storage and Retention

The data held within the HBXL Building Software CRM system is processed and stored in the EU within a secure environment.

HBXL Building Software has a continual cycle of cleansing and refreshing data contained with our CRM system.

Request to Object

In all correspondence with you we will give you the right to object from receiving further correspondence from HBXL Building Software.  On any emails you receive from HBXL Building Software there will be the option to ‘unsubscribe’ from receiving any further email correspondence.  If you receive a telephone call from us, you have the right to request not to receive any further calls.  HBXL Building Software has a companywide CRM system, your request to object will be logged within our CRM system to ensure that you do not receive any further calls.

Should you wish to object to receiving communication from HBXL Building Software, you can do so in a variety of ways:

·         Please click the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of every email

·         If you have received a call, please tell the representative that you do not wish to receive any further communication

·         Please call 0117 9167898 and ask to speak with the Data Compliance Team

You can also make your request by emailing: marketing@hbxl.co.uk

Or by writing to:

Data Compliance, HBXL Building Software, Future Space, North Gate (UWE), Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8RB.

All requests will be processed within 30 days. Your details will be added to a suppression file to ensure that your details cannot be processed by the HBXL Building Software CRM system in the future.  Please note this applies only to the processing of your personally identifiable data, not that of the business data which does not fall under the remit of GDPR.

Request for Deletion

It is important to understand the difference between a right to object and a request for deletion.  If you make a request for deletion, we will remove any data we hold about you from the HBXL Building Software CRM system.  This will also mean that we will remove you from our suppression files.  If you are removed from our suppression files, there is a risk that your data may be processed again in the future if your details are re-added to our CRM system by a member of our sales team who genuinely believes that your business would benefit from HBXL Building Software.  If you do not wish for us to contact you again about HBXL Building Software, we would recommend you request to object rather than a request for deletion, as this will ensure that your details are always suppressed from processing.

The option however is yours, and in either case we will process your request within 30 days.

Please make your request in writing by emailing: marketing@hbxl.co.uk

Or by writing to:

Data Compliance, HBXL Building Software, Future Space, North Gate (UWE), Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8RB.

Request for Data Held

You may request that we send you all of the data we hold that relates to you.  Please make your request in writing;

By emailing: marketing@hbxl.co.uk

Or by writing to:

Data Compliance, HBXL Building Software, Future Space, North Gate (UWE), Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8RB.

We will process and respond to your request within 30 days, this service will be free of charge.

Cookies and Traffic Data

Cookies are small text files which are transferred from our website, product or service and stored on your computer’s hard drive. We use a combination of cookies to help us provide you with a personalised service, and also to help make our websites, products and services better for you. You can select your cookie preferences when you visit our website. If you decide not to accept all of the cookies, you’ll still be able to use the site but some things might not work properly.

We use the following different types of cookies:

Session Cookies

These are temporary cookies which are deleted when you close your browser or leave your session in the product or service. We use session cookies on our websites and in some of our products or services to identify and track users and to remember what is in your shopping basket (where relevant). Our session cookies may also contain your customer account number, company name and email address. We may also use session cookies and similar technologies in our products or services from time to time where this enables us to offer you certain features of the product or service or where it may help us to improve the product or service.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies enable our websites, product or service to “remember” who you are and to remember your preferences on our website. Persistent cookies will stay on your computer or device after you close your browser or leave your session in the product or service.

Web analytics cookies and similar technologies

Our websites, products and services use several web analytics cookies. These cookies allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and see how they move around the website, product or service. This helps us make our service to you better.

Web beacons and parameter tracking

We also use cookies and similar software known as web beacons to count users who have visited our website after clicking through from one of our advertisements on another website or in emails and to collect details of any products purchased. These web beacons collect limited information which does not identify particular individuals. It is not possible to refuse the use of web beacons. However, because they are used in conjunction with cookies, you can effectively disable them by setting your browser to restrict or block cookies.

We sometimes use the technology of a third party service provider to collect information about browsing activity on certain pages of our website, by tracking the IP address that you use when you access those pages. We only track your IP address whilst you are using our website and do not track the IP address when you leave our website. This third party cookie is a temporary session cookie which will expire after you close your browser or leave your session in the product or service. This tracking is used by our third party service provider to collect information about which organisations are accessing our website and we may use that information to contact those organisations about our products and services that we feel may be of interest.

Change your cookie preferences

You may be able to configure your browser to restrict cookies or block all cookies if you wish, however if you disable cookies you may find this affects your ability to use certain parts of our website, products or services. For more information about cookies and instructions on how to adjust your browser settings to accept, delete or reject cookies, see the Internet Advertising Bureau website www.youronlinechoices.com or the About Cookies website http://aboutcookies.org. These are third party websites which we in no way endorse.

Software, products and services

Our software, products or services may also include technology that enables us to:

check specific information directly relevant to your use of the software or products contained in your computer against our records to make sure the software or products are being used in accordance with our software licence agreements and to troubleshoot any problems;

collect information about how you and your authorised users use the functions of the features of our software or products; and

gather statistical information about the operating system and environment on which our software or products are installed.

We may also use this information to deliver targeted advertising, marketing (including in-product messaging) or information to you which may be useful, based on your use of the software or products or any other information we have about you (depending on the software, you may be able to configure these features to suit your preferences).

This policy was last reviewed and updated on the 24th May 2018.  Policies are periodically reviewed to ensure compliance with the current compliance environment.

For questions relating to this policy, please contact marketing@hbxl.co.uk  

HBXL Building Software Limited is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office under registration reference: Z5186323


Returns & promotions Policy

Ordering and delivery

We’ve tried to make things simple. You can order safely either via the website, over the phone or in person at an event. We accept all major credit and debit cards except American Express.

If you order over the phone you will receive a web download link via email within one working day. If you order through our website Monday-Friday until 5.00pm , you will receive a web download link via email within one working day. Please note any orders placed on the website during the weekend will be fulfilled on the Monday (or next working day if this is a Bank Holiday.)

Want to know more? Get in touch with the team who’ll be happy to chat on 0845 1234 065.

Please have a read…

HBXL Building Software does not offer refunds for purchased products. Unlike physical goods, electronically distributed software and software licenses are non-tangible irrevocable goods that can be easily duplicated. Accordingly, it is our policy that once we have distributed a release to a customer, the sale is final. The software can therefore not be returned for refund or credit. We ask you to be cautious and make sure you know what you are purchasing.

If you are not sure about what our software does or if it is for you, you are most welcome to have a personal demo with our team, visit our support site, read our manuals or call our team. You can also request a free trial of our software too! You can also check out our system requirements which are different for each product.

We provide free trial periods to let you fully evaluate our products before you make a purchase decision. Please use the trial period to make sure that the software meets your needs before purchasing a license. All of our software is functional during the trial period.

During your trial period, our support staff are available to assist in installation and configuration via email or telephone. We strongly recommend that all customers download, install, and test the trial version of any product prior to making a purchase.

Accordingly HBXL Building Software will not provide refunds if:

  • You just change your mind

  • You choose not to use our product

  • You find that our product doesn’t suit your needs

(our feature list, videos and live demos with our team are very representative of our software)

  • You experience conflicts with other 3rd party software connected or installed on your computer

HBXL Building Software does however reserve the right to approve refunds in the following case ONLY:

  • product purchase error if the product was NOT installed and claim is issued within 7 days of the purchase date.

In general all our sales are final and no refunds will be given.

Acceptance of this Refund Policy

It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with this refund policy. By placing an order for any of our products, you indicate that you have read this refund policy and that you agree with and fully accept the terms of this refund policy.

Terms & Conditions of Offers including hardware

(a) Offers that include hardware (ie. laptop, iPad or other free gift) may only be redeemed at our website site www.hbxl.co.uk with the purchase of products specifically listed in the HBXL online shop sold by HBXL. It is also redeemable by phone by calling 0845 1234 065 (b) Please note that minimum purchase values apply to qualify you for any hardware offer which is exclusive of postage and packing. (c) An offer cannot be used retrospectively, ie applied to orders already placed with us. (d) The offer has a cash value of GBP 0.001 and is not transferable or assignable. (e) Certain products may be exempt from promotional offers (f) HBXL reserves the right to cancel or change the promotion at any time. (g) Please note that any hardware offer with HBXL software cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. (h) We are not obliged to accept your order. If we do accept your order, a contract will be created at the time we take payment from you for your software. You will be deemed to have received our acceptance of your offer once payment has been accepted by HBXL. (i) All goods and services displayed on this website are subject to availability. Where certain goods or services are no longer available, or where certain prices have changed, we will endeavour to update the relevant information contained on this website as soon as practicable. However, no price, or other information displayed on this web site will bind us until we have accepted your order. The price you will be charged for any goods or services will be the price in force when your order is accepted by us. (j) Your order will only be accepted if you supply us with a UK delivery address. (k) Terms and conditions of Software with Hardware offers, below, apply

Terms and conditions of Software with Hardware offers

HBXL reserve the right to change or withdraw offers at their absolute discretion. Offers are not typically available in conjunction with any other offers or pre-arranged discounts. HBXL advise that any bundled offer comprising both hardware and software under the terms of HBXL’s trading conditions are for the offer in its entirety (hardware and software). Returns will not be accepted on any other basis. Hardware and all software must be unopened and unused (in its original condition) including all documentation and packaging.


1.1. All emails from estimatorxpress.co.uk and any files transmitted with them should be treated as confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual(s) or company(ies) to whom they are addressed.

1.2. If you have received email from estimatorxpress.co.uk in error please notify the sender by email and delete the email immediately.

1.3. Any views or opinions presented in emails from estimatorxpress.co.uk are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of House Builder XL Ltd (“HBXL Ltd”).

1.4. Information transmitted by email can be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, or contain viruses. The recipient should check all emails and any attachments for the presence of viruses since email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. HBXL Ltd accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by emails that originate or appear to originate from estimatorxpress.co.uk.

1.5. Should you have any concerns about an email message from estimatorxpress.co.uk, please contact us immediately. Visit our Contact page for details